Straightforward Software Solutions for

Title Companies

Bring Your Title Insurance Company into the 21st Century Today Why Waste Valuable Time on Processes that Could be Automated? The World is Mobile, Title Insurance Should be Too

Don’t Let Outdated Software Systems Bog You Down

Expedite the Process, Eliminate the Mundane, Empower Your Team

Empower your team

VizionX will Empower Your Title Insurance Company with:

  • Reliable, User Managed Fee Storage and Quoting System
  • Automated Payoffs
  • Cloud-Based Software for Mobile Use
Let VizionX Handle the Administrative Tasks so that Your Team can Handle What Matters Most: Your Clients

Title Insurance Solutions Created by Title Professionals for Title professionals

We created VizionX to solve our own problem. With over 100 Years of combined experience in the Title Industry, we know what you need to succeed. Combined with over 25 years of software development experience, we can create the tools so you can thrive.
Save Time and Empower Your Title Insurance Team
Sign up for the software
Work Through the Initial Setup
Customize to Your Needs

Why VizionX is Right For You

What differentiates Title Insurance companies? Government regulations require the same documents and information utilizing the same processes in the same order.
How can your title insurance company get an edge? Customer service is the solution.
VizionX augments your customer service in four key ways:
  • Hyper-Automation: We take care of the mundane work for every title insurance transaction, so you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Reliable Quotes that are self-managed: Customize your self-managed Fee System to provide reliable, up-to-date, customized fees.
  • Mobility: VizionX software allows multiple people to work on the same project from different locations.
  • Empowered Team: VizionX helps teams focus on customer service by eliminating mundane tasks.
With VizionX Fees, title companies and other vendors can streamline their fee management process, promote their brand, and increase their visibility among potential clients.